Top UI Trends Will Boost E-Commerce Revenue in 2021

Olivia Smith
6 min readMay 19, 2021

E-Commerce today is growing and so are its requirements. From demands of flawless customer experience to ease during navigation, better functionality, mobility, and less turnaround time, there is being a lot of demand. This brings in a necessity of having the best of eCommerce development company that can help make an e-commerce business a real success. If the business is able to hire dedicated developers, they sure can create a progressive web application with amazing features. It would help ahead by bringing in relevant changes and acceptances.

In consideration of the above and the demand of the market, herein discussed is a list of trends that one can see within the eCommerce businesses during 2021. Do not miss on it, after all following the trends sometimes does give a boost to the revenue.

E-Commerce Trends for 2021

With regards to a business and its interaction with the consumers, a lot is expected to change. 2021 and beyond, The E-Commerce businesses are about to experience extensive use of artificial intelligence and the implementation of machine learning. It’s a clear indication that the e-commerce development company needs to prepare itself much more. Some of these common trends, which would be experienced here, have been discussed below.

  • Shopping Recommendations- AI-Powered
Online Shopping App

Well, machine learning, along with artificial intelligence, will change the entire landscape of the operation within the businesses. Even today, one can see how businesses have been relying upon the initiatives which are AI-driven for automation of their workflow, and with the infusion of it within e-commerce, data will be easily obtained about consumer behavior.

Around 50% of the companies have already implemented such Technology within marketing, list management, and service operations. It helps them gather the details about the hottest product within the market and the trending topics and the customer feedback over the same. When all of this data gets combined, businesses can streamline their strategies for marketing so that they can increase their return over the investment. This is just a start, though. A lot more is expected to be seen ahead.

  • The Before and After Effect

It is not easy to describe how the product would look upon a person, but with the help of an interactive user interface, it has now become easier to depict the very Central element over the screen. One can take an example of Ray-ban and lenskart using such technologies for selling sunglasses through their websites and the visual impact; it helps to compare by moving the given Central element from one end to another, making the purchase worth it.

  • Faster Checkouts

A process starts with browsing the items and then adding them to the cart, and finally, as the final step completing the purchase. To make this completely simple, some of the steps are being cut down and will be further required to make it more engaging for the consumers.

  • Analytics are Emphasized

From data collection to processing, eCommerce innovation is being driven through the same. Companies are seen focusing their daily operations upon data-driven initiatives. Information is also collected in regards to employees, products, and usages through the same. Every bit of it is being used so that every aspect within the operation can be scrutinized.

In 2021 some of the new metrics which are being focused upon include,

  • Lifetime value for the customer
  • Net promoter score
  • Cost of customer acquisition
  • Abandonment rate for the cart
  • Testing results- A/B

By monitoring all of it, the companies can get some relevant information while they continue to monitor multiple metrics at a time. Companies like Microsoft, IBM are all seen using it, and soon enough, more are expected to join.

  • Completing The Look

The official website of Puma, it allows the user to browse different items and then completing the lock with the Product aligning. This is done by getting the closest recommendations based on the consumer’s purchase history, the product choice they make, and their browsing behavior.

  • Insuring Engaging Content

The eCommerce development company has focused upon certain aspects, especially when it comes to providing engaging content. They have understood the importance of smaller paragraphs, informal style usage, white spaces, supporting images, shortest sentences, and much more to gain the consumers’ attention and provide them some valuable content. They are therefore helping the companies with it too, to leave no aspect uncovered.

  • Voice Search Popularization

The best examples of the voice search can be taken off Alexa by Amazon, Siri by Apple, and Cortana by Microsoft. These devices were previously used just as digital assistants for helping to do some of the simple tasks at home, but now consumers are using the same for finding specific products and for locating the store near them.

As per Think with Google, consumers, around 72% of them are incorporating voice search for their daily routine, and it is all gaining popularity. Therefore the companies have been focusing on implementing SEO within the voice searches too. It is expected to bring in efficiency and help the consumers.

  • Video Content

As of now, videos have made a glorious comeback. In simple terms, for E-Commerce, they do need to provide some short and engaging videos that can help give their product a better exposure. However, the challenge is to capture the client’s attention within those 13 seconds and keep them glued to the given page. The e-commerce focuses on the same as they definitely do not want the customers to abandon their page and choose their competitors.

  • Device Independence

The designs presented by the E-Commerce websites and now accessible through multiple devices, making a better reach and accessibility all across the demographics.

  • Payment Options are Getting Advanced

This process is the final stage for the consumer’s journey in regards to a given product being sold from the end of the e-commerce, and both the consumers and the e-commerce would definitely want the checkout process to be smooth. Therefore, it is required that the customers access multiple options of the payment instead of having a lack in the same.

Regarding the above issue, many E-Commerce businesses have been extending their payment options for including some of the other payment services and cryptocurrency within the same. The uses of Microsoft are also being allowed for renewing their subscriptions with bi cryptocurrencies. Another best example can be taken of Tesla that announced that they are welcoming the individuals with Bitcoins, and we will be accepting this payment method.

Final Words

As of today, it is very important to hire dedicated developers for The E-Commerce industry. These professionals not just help design the trends but also help a business to have the simplified UX. To bring in immersive 3D visuals, to understand how every design in parts the success of the development service, the e-commerce development company takes care of it all.

Therefore, considering all of the same, one can understand the trends and the importance of having a team that can understand and brings changes according to the same. So, do not wait. Hire a team today and get along with the trends of 2021 while preparing for the upcoming years.



Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith is the senior developer at CMARIX TechnoLabs. I love to write about the trending technologies like AI, ML, IOT and AR VR and also about its impact.